
We keep discreet. Our successes are only communicated in exceptional cases if the client gives their consent as well as if the case is reported in the press. The most interesting cases and transactions therefore usually remain hidden. And rightly so.

Advice to management

Advice to management regarding the investment into a privately held software company (share deal)

Management of a stock corporation

Advice to the management of a stock corporation regarding the acquisition of shares of a private equity fund into the corporation (software industry)

Large German warehouse company

Advice to a large German warehouse company regarding the investment into a privately held internet-based trading company

Bavaria's largest investment fund

Advice to the largest Bavarian investment fund regarding various investments into privately held companies; acting as trustee for the fund in various acquisitions and advice to the fund regarding its exit transactions

International biotech fund

Advice to an international biotech fund regarding various capital investment rounds into a biotech startup

International US based investment group

Advice to an international US based investment group regarding grant of the senior loan to buyer in course of the acquisition of a large German based company (film and picture production business)

Listed company in the telephone and IT sector

Advice to seller and management of a listed company regarding the sale of the complete operative business including approval by an extraordinary shareholder to a US investor (telephone and IT sector; share deal)

Listed manufacturing company of automotive equipment

Advice to seller and management regarding the sale of shares in a listed manufacturing company of automotive equipment including subsidiaries in various European countries to an international investor

Chinese investor

Advice to a Chinese investor regarding the acquisition of a Bavarian fashion firm (asset deal)

Bavarian entrepreneur

Advice for more than 30 years to a Bavarian entrepreneur regarding his national and international major investments and transactions (f & b industry)

Main shareholder in a privately held company

Advice to the main shareholder in a privately held company regarding the acquisition of additional shares (aircraft supplier; share deal)

Owners of a large retail building complex

Advice to owners of a large retail building complex concerning the restructuring of the finance structure

Swiss investor

Advice to a Swiss investor regarding the acquisition of a participation in a German GmbH (life insurance firm; share deal)

Major German bank

Advice to a major German bank regarding the acquisition of capital asset portfolios from various other banks (asset deals)

Advice to a bank in the sale of shares

Advice to a bank regarding the sale of the majority of the shares in a listed company to an investor including approval by an extraordinary shareholder's meeting (software industry)

Management of a company

Advice to management regarding the sale of subsidiaries owning large real estate assets (share deal)

Management in stock corporation and capital market law

Advice to management regarding Corporate Law and Capital Markets Law including draft of prospectus for enterprises issuing shares to the public (IPOs and SPOs) in various industry sections
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