Our references

We listen. When it comes to evaluating our performance, we rely on our clients – and continue to improve. The long-standing loyalty of our clients, the mastery of complex mandates and the recognition with awards and rankings are proof of the quality of our work.

Get to know our team

Grown trust, which we protect

We do not disclose client relationships and respect internal guidelines that prevent us from naming clients as references. However, if clients agree to be named in individual cases, we are pleased about this proof of trust and even more so about their praise.

Long-standing client relationships that we value

Some of our clients have entrusted us for more than 20 years. This loyalty is both an incentive and an obligation for us – regardless of whether it is a private individual, a medium-sized company or a corporate group; because at the end of the day, it is all about the individual human relationship, reliability and unconditional commitment.

Client testimonials

Strong Italian Desk both in M&A and in all important areas of general commercial law.
The Legal 500 Deutschland 2024
Dr Oliver Baumann is experienced, committed and collegial.
The Legal 500 Deutschland 2024
Sandra Bendler-Pepy is outstanding, and we rely on her experience, ethics and expertise in cross-border transactions between Italy and Germany.
The Legal 500 Deutschland 2024


Eurotech S.P.A. – Cross-Border-Transaction

Legal assistance to the Italian listed company Eurotech S.P.A., a leading provider of edge computing solutions for mission-critical applications, on the acquisition of the German company InoNet Computer GmbH

Swiss company

Legal assistance of a joint venture of a German stock company in the field of cannabis production for the pharmaceutical sector

Austrian Group

Legal assistance on the acquisition of several German target companies

Awards & Rankings

The Legal 500 Germany 2024 – Recommended Lawyers

Listed by The Legal 500 Germany as Recommended Lawyers: Dr. Oliver Baumann, Dr. Christian Strassberger, Sandra Bendler-Pepy

The Legal 500 Germany 2024

Listed by The Legal 500 Germany as one of the leading law firms in Munich

Best Lawyers 2024 „Art Law“

Dr. Louis Roensberg was selected by his peers for inclusion in the 15th Edition 2024 of "The Best Lawyers in Germany" for his work in Art Law (since the 9th Eition 2018)
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